Greywacke | 2020 Sauvignon Blanc | Port2Port Online Wine Store

Greywacke is the Marlborough (New Zealand) label of Kevin Judd, and the fulfilment of a long held dream. The name Greywacke was adopted by Kevin and his wife Kimberley for their first Marlborough vineyard located in Rapaura, named in recognition of the high prevalence of rounded greywacke river stones in the soils of the vineyard. Kevin registered the name back in 1993 …

Grauwacke — Wikipédia

La grauwacke [ˈ ɡ ʀ a ʊ̯ ˌ v a k ə] Écouter (mot allemand, vieux terme de mineur à éviter car trop imprécis, que certains écrivent également graywacke, greywacke ou wacke) est une roche sédimentaire détritique de la classe des arénites.. Minéralogie. C'est une roche lithique de la classe des arénites, à ciment argileux, riche en débris lithiques qui se sont agglomérés ...

Greywacke | Winery | New Zealand Wine

Alongside winemaking, Kevin has developed a parallel career in photography, his evocative images appearing in countless publications worldwide. It was inevitable that Kevin's images would take pride of place on the labels of his solo winemaking venture – the synthesis of his dual passions. Phone. +64 03 572 5425. Email.

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Greywacke - Ponti Wine Cellars

Greywacke is owned by winemaker Kevin Judd, who rose to prominence in his previous position as winemaker for Cloudy Bay, and also for his vineyard photography. Grapes for Greywacke wines are sourced from vineyards across the wider region, and in particular those owned by the Sutherland family. The wines are made at the Dog Point Winery in the ...

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GREYWACKE|ヴィントナーズ Vintners Inc.

ブランドのグレイワッキ (Greywacke)とは、ケヴィンとキンバリーがめてしたにつけたです。. にはニュージーランドの、、とあらゆるところでつけるのるGreyというがくまれており、「いつかのブランドを ...

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Greywacke - Wikipedia

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Greywacke Rock | Properties, Formation, Uses » Geology Science

Greywacke is variation of sandstone that saperate from other to hardness, dark color, and poorly sorted angular grains of quartz and feldspar.. It is a textural immature sedimentary rock found in the Paleozoic layers. Larger grains can be from sand to pebble length, and matrix materials are in the order of 15% by volume of rocks.

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Greywacke / Stratigraphy / The Geology of New Zealand / …

Greywacke rocks are commonly extremely deformed, fractured, and veined, and mudstone in particular is commonly very sheared. Some deformation took place within the sedimentary pile, but the severe folding, faulting, and shearing were caused by the mountain-building episode of the Rangitata Orogeny, and the rocks were further deformed by the later Kaikoura Orogeny.